Lyrics Oh God By Jahdiel
In my heart I hear you
In my voice I feel you, oh God, oh God
nothIng can replace you
In my heart I praise you
oh God, oh God
fill my heart with laughter
and somethIng to ponder
. . .
oh God, oh God eh×4ce
chukwu o kike eh
chIneke dInma
ison bi ni go gugu×2ce
. . .
let the song I sIng, Lord
be to you a sweet sound
oh God, oh God
let the hills and mountaIns
burst out In to sIngIng, God, oh God
let my heart desire
meet all your requires, God, oh God.
. . .
ye ye ye
chIneke dInma
ison bi no go gugu×2ce
. . .
ye ye ye ye×3ce…
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